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The VIA Apollo Pro133A delivers advanced performance through support for AGP 4X 133MHz FSB PC133 SDRAM ATA66 and supports PC133 and VC133 DRAMs the latest highperformance and costeffective memory types Support for ATA66 the latest fastIDE transfer protocol advances upcoming Cyrix slot 1socket 370 processors AGP 2X4X
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Soyo SY6VBA133 is a motherboard based on the VIA VT82C693A Apollo Pro 133 chipset Get specs BIOS documentation and more Soyo SY6VBA133 is a motherboard based on the VIA VT82C693A Apollo Pro 133 chipset Slot 1 Processor Power Distribution Guidelines 243332001 Logs Image 1 of 3 evasive Image 2 of 3 wx Image 3 of 3
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Many support 512MB per DIMM the 133A definitely does the plain 133 might also but Im not sure Useless for Win9xDOSThe 133A boards have Universal AGP slots but the plain 133 and the BX are both 33v only Anything that wont fit a 33v slot probably doesnt support Win9x anyway133133A both support 133MHz bus without any overclocking
That goes smoothly and Win98SE swallowed that hardware change with no problems I then get the new slot A board and install it Seemed OK Since I remembered there were some SBLive Issues with the VIA chipsets I decided to make use of the onboard audio on the new board instead of the SBLive I gave my dad That seemed to work great too
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VIA makes slotA KX133 chipsets and socketA KT133 chipsets AMD manufactures a Slot A AND a Socket A 1GHz Athlon If you ask such a broad question do not expect a simple answer IF your processor is a Socket A you only have one choice anyway VIA KT133 For Slot A processors the AMD 750 chipset is a little long in the tooth AGP